Defying the Machine – Libertarians Unveil Candidates for the March 5, 2024, Primary Election in Madison County, Alabama


In a testament to the rebellious spirit against the establishment, the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Madison County, Alabama, has filed the requisite paperwork with the Probate Judge. This act officially certifies the names of the nominated candidates for the March 5, 2024, Primary Election, solidifying the party’s commitment to a transparent and accountable democratic process.

Your engagement in the Libertarian Primary transcends the mere act of casting a vote; it is a resounding endorsement of a movement that values individual liberty, constitutional principles, and principled governance. Join me, and the list of courageous candidates below, in shaping the future of Madison County politics through your participation in this historic first ever Primary Election for the Libertarian Party.

Candidates and Offices:

County Commission, Chairman:

County Commission, District 1:

County Commission, District 2:

County Commission, District 4:

County Commission, District 5:

County Commission, District 6:

Probate Judge:

This remarkable roster of candidates reflects the diversity of thought and commitment within the Libertarian Party. Explore more about these candidates, their platforms, and the upcoming election at Become an integral part of this transformative moment in local governance, where liberty takes center stage, and principled leaders emerge to challenge the status quo.

Alabama has the worst ballot access laws in the United States. Voter suppression is real and it is at the hands of both the Democrats and Republicans. They limit your options. It is their fault when you only have one choice on a ballot for any office. They don’t want you to really exercise your rights. Now it is time to show them who is in charge with your vote in the upcoming Libertarian Primary.

Stand with us in defiance to the Republican and Democratic leaders who actively prevent election freedom and real competition in the marketplace of ideas. We are not here to spoil the election. We exist to give you a real option. If the Libertarian Party of Alabama were not on the ballot in Madison County now most county level races wouldn’t be opposed. This is your opportunity to take back the right to decide with your vote.