Press Release: Frank Hark, Libertarian for Madison County Commission, District 4

For Immediate Release:

November 10, 2023

Subject: Frank Hark Declares Candidacy for Madison County Commission, District 4

Dear Madison County, Alabama Residents,

I am excited to announce my candidacy for the position of Madison County Commission, District 4, proudly representing the Libertarian Party. As a staunch advocate for individual freedoms, minimal government intervention, and the principles of a free-market economy, I am dedicated to fostering positive change and ensuring the prosperity of our community.

As we approach the Primary Election on March 5, 2024, I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to serve the residents of Madison County. Throughout this campaign, I intend to engage in meaningful conversations, attentively listen to your concerns, and present innovative solutions that prioritize personal liberties, fiscal responsibility, and the protection of individual rights.

Madison County holds a special place in my heart, and I wholeheartedly embrace the principles that make our community distinct. As a candidate, my focus will include:

Building Code Reform: Recognizing the pressing need for an exhaustive reassessment of prevailing building codes, unshackled from the fetters of crony interests, I solemnly vow to champion the cause of voluntary and community-driven building standards. These standards shall place paramount importance on the safety and well-being of individuals, eschewing narrow interests and allowing property owners the liberty to make choices aligning with their needs and values, free from undue interference.

Cutting Red Tape: In recognition of the hindrances imposed by bureaucratic entanglements on progress and development, my objective is to liberate local governance from the coercive grip of red tape. By cultivating an environment truly grounded in voluntarism and decentralization, I seek to foster organic economic growth and innovation. This approach ensures that individuals, residents, and businesses can engage in mutually beneficial exchanges without the encumbrance of unnecessary constraints.

Fiscal Responsibility: Expressing profound concern over the unsustainable expansion of the county budget, my commitment, upon election, is to meticulously scrutinize the budgetary framework and discern areas of gratuitous expenditure. I shall ardently advocate for a transition to voluntary and decentralized funding mechanisms, empowering individuals to selectively support the services they value most. The objective is to forge a sustainable financial paradigm that prioritizes essential services without coercively burdening taxpayers.

Ethical Economic Incentives: Confronting ethical quandaries surrounding economic incentives, I vehemently oppose the indiscriminate disbursement of taxpayer funds to large corporations. Instead, I advocate for a radical departure from the prevailing system—an environment where individuals are unshackled to allocate their resources in accordance with their values and preferences. By eradicating coercive subsidies, we pave the way for a truly ethical economic landscape that nurtures competition and innovation, ensuring an equitable playing field for all businesses.

I am confident that my experience, values, and unwavering dedication position me as the right candidate to lead our community towards a brighter future. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to earn your support and collaborate to achieve our shared vision.

In the upcoming months, I will actively engage with Madison County residents through town hall meetings, community events, and online platforms. Stay informed about the Madison County Libertarian Party Primary by visiting their website and following the LPMCA on social media.

I firmly believe that change starts from within our communities, and with your support, we can make Madison County a shining example of liberty, prosperity, and individual empowerment. Together, let us construct a brighter future for our families and future generations.

Thank you for your time, and I would be honored to have your support in this campaign. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have.

Warm regards,

Frank Hark
Candidate for Madison County Commission, District 4
Libertarian Party Madison County, Alabama