November 10, 2023
For Immediate Release:
Subject: Mark Jean’s Candidacy for Madison County Commission, District 1
Candidate Website:

Dear Residents of Madison County, Alabama,
Why me? I am not the pre-selected choice on the ballot, but rather offer you a new voice in your county government. One tired watching our constitution trampled, our voices diminished by those paid to represent us, and our money frivolously spent.
I started work at age 15 at McDonald’s and now I am a retired Deputy Sheriff with 24 years of service in Fairfax County VA and a retired Federal contractor protecting our nation’s secrets for 20 years. Much of both careers I spent training others how to survive and win and always do the right thing. I have been called the conscience of the program and often held my office or contract to doing the right thing, Always. I am married with a lovely wife, two children, (one passed) and 3 grandchildren, a dog and a parrot.
What I believe is that all governments are too big and too involved in the daily lives of our citizens. Less regulation, more effort to align with our US Constitution and let our citizens be free and our free markets work.
- Advocacy of Personal Liberty – Rights: All Praise goes to GOD. Our Rights according to the US Constitution come from GOD not MAN. No more Lock downs for business, Church, or individual citizens. I support personal medical freedom, parents rights, and family values. I champion, No social credit scoring allowed in the County, no support of local camera systems and tracking of citizens, and the parents rights in the schools shall not be infringed. While home or private schooling may be right for some; I encourage each and every parent to be involved in the school’s policy process and operations. All parents should be highly involved in their local school board, with regular attendance of the School Board meetings, as this is how parents guide their child’s education. I encourage responsible adults to enjoy the use of our Constitutional Carry in Alabama. Train, carry always and support businesses that support our rights, and our Local Law-enforcement.
- Require Governmental Fiscal Responsibility and Operational Transparency: Your tax money is hard earned and shall be spent with thrift and efficiency. I will not vote for items that increase your taxes. We should work hard to reduce any burdens on our citizens, never increasing them.
Such items, donating any money from a county level. Donations are a personal choice. Lower taxes will help the donations come from the heart of the person giving and should not be made to make the county offices look good. Let the market work.
The board meets during the day, thus precluding many citizens from attending. Greater transparency, on the website regarding the agenda, minutes and recorded sessions must be put into place. Town Hall meetings will be in the plan to communicate with you as well as walkabouts to see what is going on in our fair County.
- Empowerment of new and young business/ reduce regulations and red tape / permits: Business is the life of our County. The ability to open and operate a business with the least amount of expense, and government overreach is imperative to the life of a business. Permitting and government red tape regulation and business taxes must be reduced to help our new and both young and old businesses to thrive. Let the market work and thrive
Why am I Unique? I enjoy a lifetime of varied experiences. From low paying jobs with Zero benefits, to 44 years of both Law Enforcement and Contract work, often training of those serving. I traveled the world as a contractor, and experienced the death of friends in foreign lands and witnessed what deprivation of rights can do to citizens. I am a common sense candidate that will look at the big picture for the Citizens of this county with an open mind and willingness to think outside the normal status quo. We need to examine the issues and determine what works best for you the citizen, not the selfish needs of the FED gov, State, Local governments or big business.
I pledge to run a clean campaign and ask my opponent to make the same pledge. The issues that affect you the voters are what we need to talk about.
Email me or call (256) 801-0511 and let us talk about the issues.
Mark Jean