The Libertarian Party of Madison County Alabama is very proud to have been a part of defeating the proposal that Madison convert to a City Manager based city government. Unlike the Republicans and Democrats who took no stand on the issue, we Libertarians believe in small government that is beholden to the citizens, not unelected bureaucrats making decisions without the People’s say. We are proud of the citizens who organized against this terrible proposal and together we saw a resounding defeat. We hope the big money interests and their big government bureaucratic cronies heard the sound of Liberty loud and clear.
In the time we spent campaigning and opposing this usurpation of our Liberty, we learned that the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the very Founding Fathers that wrote it is far from dead. While yes, this cause wasn’t as grand as theirs, none the less, the idea that the People should be as directly represented as possible, and the right to choose who welds ultimate executive power over any group, no matter how small, has prevailed. We met many people who had little interest in politics before this proposal appeared, but all the same, they rose to the call that their citizenship demands of them. To defend their Liberty, they took to the soapbox and ballot box and made their will known against the monied interests. The desire to change the People’s government, into a government ran by cronies, placed there without due election by the People, was soundly defeated.
In this state, where we Dare Defend Our Rights, we will continue to stand alongside the citizens in opposing all manner of force and fraud by government against the People.
Alabama State Constitution Section 35: Objective of government.
“That the sole object and only legitimate end of government is to protect the citizen in the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property, and when the government assumes other functions it is usurpation and oppression.”
Yours in Liberty
Libertarian Party of Madison County, Alabama